Tuesday, May 14, 2013

কিডনি রোগঃ S. Creatinine বেশি হলে কি খাবার বর্জন করবেন (Foods to Avoid When Creatinine Is High)

সহজ ইংরেজিতে লেখা, তাই বাংলা করলাম না। আশা করি বুঝতে পারবেন।
S. Creatinine is a blood test that is ordered to assess kidney function. Using this test, along with other factors such as age, gender and weight, can help physicians calculate the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), which is a measure of kidney damage.
High levels of creatinine can also be related to a bacterial infection of the kidneys, called pyelonephritis, kidney stone, or other obstruction to the urinary tract, or to conditions that decrease the blood flow to the kidneys, such as dehydration, congestive heart failure or uncontrolled diabetes.

High Protein Foods

When elevated creatinine is related to kidney damage, doctors advise decreasing the amount of protein in the diet. Protein, when broken down, creates a waste product called urea. When kidney function is decreased, the body cannot rid itself of the waste and it builds up. Reducing protein in the diet can help decrease the amount of waste produced. Animal proteins are most contributory, such as red meat, chicken and pork. It is advisable to get adequate protein from plant sources, such as soy and legumes.

High Sodium Foods

When kidney disease or high blood pressure is suspected, the first dietary change is often to reduce sodium in the diet. Fresh foods over packaged, convenience foods are recommended. Canned foods are particularly high sources of sodium in the American diet. When eating out, those trying to lower their sodium intake should avoid fast food restaurants and ask that foods be prepared without salt.

High Glycemic Foods

Because uncontrolled diabetes can lead to kidney damage, foods to avoid are those that have a greater impact on blood sugar. DiabetesNet offers a list of foods that are most likely to raise blood sugar, called high glycemic index foods. White, refined flour should be replaced with whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats and barley. Sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, pies and candy should be limited or eliminated.

Diuretic Foods

When high creatinine is caused by dehydration, it is important to avoid foods that will further dehydrate the body. Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea and colas should be replaced with regular water or fruit juice. At least 64 ounces of fluid should be ingested daily.
সুত্রঃ http://www.livestrong.com/article/35072-foods-avoid-creatinine-high/
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  1. কিডনি ফেইলিওর এর লক্ষণ গুলো সম্পর্কে যদি একটি পোস্ট দিতেন তবে অনেক উপকার হয়।
    আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ এমন একটি উপকারী লেখা আমাদের উপহার দেয়ার জন্য। আপনি আপনার লেখা চালিয়ে যান এটাই কামনা করি।


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